Universal Robots

[email protected]

  • Shall I send you the report containing the list of errors?


    I noticed that there are some technical issues on your website: www.branom.com that are affecting its performance and online site-ranking.

    Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

    Shall I send you the report containing the list of errors?

    Best regards,
    Website Examiner
    Delaware, USA

    by [email protected] - 03:35 - 5 Jul 2024
  • Water and Wastewater Expo 2024 Visitors Contacts



    Will you be interested in purchasing Visitors List of WWETT - Water and Wastewater Equipment, Treatment and Transport Show 2024


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    Ellen Mills

    Event Coordinator


    Note - These contacts are purely OPT-IN and All data includes full multi-channel promotional activities (email campaigns, telephone campaigns, direct mail campaigns) this will definitely increase your ROI.




    by "Ellen Mills" <[email protected]> - 09:11 - 18 Jan 2024
  • #Universal Robots

    Hi Mike - Walter and I were discussing if there was a way to easily respond to the discuss app (like to actually have a discussion) but the only thing I could find is to create a new message and use the # you created.

    by Rick Kendall - 09:33 - 25 Mar 2019
  • Re: Universal Robots

    Hi There, First welcome to Odoo Discuss.  I believe many of you are not familiar with this tool, but I thought this might be a fun introduction on how it can be used.  Each of you should have watching training videos on it.  Seperately, here is an interesting application of a Universal Robot in packaging:  https://www.universal-robots.com/case-stories/darex/

    by Mike Lauer - 03:11 - 25 Mar 2019